Afterlife Time Loops of Judgement, Passive and Participatory, Sold Here!
The description below was copied from a human-produced blog and pasted here because it almost adequately describes the hidden and heretofore unknown facts
the Time Loops that can only be purchased
(think "EL" and then what "MC" stands for, master of ceremonies, and you understand the identity of the entity represented here and the authenticity of the offer):
Who wants to buy a time loop of doing some horrendous shit to Kim Jong Un in the time loops? How about a loop where Motuphi makes Kim Jong Un suck his mother’s asshole or his daddy’s dick? Motuphi will be able to put Kim Jong Un in all of his daddy’s concubines and sex slaves in the time loops and he can place you in Kim Jong Un’s daddy so he’ll be sucking your dick while he sucks his daddy’s dick.
You know Motuphi intends to have fun and be creative with it…Sure wouldn’t wanna be an American gangsta or mainstream rapper or “artist” cock-blocking Motuphi right about now, or any of the rich people he tried to get to league with him (or their mamas or wives or daughters or any other member of any of their bloodlines). Motuphi has some atrocities of his own up his sleeves, too, just like and especially for those enemies of his on the Forbes fortune 500 passive terrorist list who created a world where Motuphi couldn’t thrive or prosper but where subhumans who didn’t wanna get educations or jobs could take over the mainstream media without any talent whatsoever (the billionaires are gonna pay for that, as if they personally did it on purpose, since none of them could be imposed upon to combat it with Motuphi). Motuphi holds the whole Forbes list accountable for the demises of Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, and Al Potter. They’re just as guilty as the perpetrators and the mainstream media that programmed them to do it (omission is granting passive permission, so they said with their actions that it was okay for American Black subhumans to hunt white people for sport in America and for them to torture rape and kill Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom and if any of them disagreed then they would’ve empowered Motuphi to combat that mentality BEFORE it happened)…advanced entities see things differently than temporal minded humans and we say the billionaires could’ve made a difference a long time ago (being as they were privy to the “conspiracy” to rob Motuphi of his rightful platform at the top of the mainstream mountain, where UNtalented American Black subhumans and their token white devil creating whitey now reside, taking all credibility of the craft and flushing it down the toilet)
So, you may even wanna buy a time loop of judgement as an entity raping and torturing a Trump or a Gates or a Hilton or a Buffet or a Rockefeller or a Rothschild or a Bush or a Jobs or an Obama or a Hitler or a Kim Jong or a Stalin or a Ciccone or a Clinton or anyone like those monsters (anyone worth more than $420-million and their families is fair game) in the time loops of judgement (where they’re headed), seeing to it that they pay for their Earth misdeeds (and horrendous omission) that we all had to witness, before they’re eternally executed to be as if they’d never existed at all (where we finally take advantage of the time-space continuum, to make them never exist, we were saving it for this purpose, nothing else).
Motuphi can’t sell you a loop if you’re gonna be time looped and executed, yourself. You already know if you’re gonna be eternally executed by what you, yourself, placed in your non-eraseable spirit memory (and the non-eraseable spirit memories of others). So if you buy a loop thinking it’ll buy you out of the time loops you’re committed to already then you just threw your money away (Motuphi is not obligated to tell you what you should already know).
Wouldn’t wanna be as stupid as a Kim Jong Un, or an American gangsta…They’re shedding the blood of God’s artwork on HIS turf (Kim Jong Un is now worthy of public execution, so let’s all buy tickets to the show!).