Musicians whose careers were sabotaged by such shitworm-controlled zombie-slave-clone created shows as American Idol, The Voice, America's Got Talent, X Factor, etc, have been buying time loops of those who participated in those shows (producers, judges, etc).
Simon Cowell gets to be poor, starving musicians in the time loops now. So does Steve Tyler, who was never a REAL musician or he never would've participated in such a music craft desecrating show for any amount of money or fame.
Lucifer has a personal beef with all who participated in desecrating his craft of music, which includes these shows, rap/hip-hop (what it became after gangsta rap went mainstream), and the current American mainstream offenders, many of whom are completely untalented and went so far as to lie and say they made a pact with him (which is impossible during his incarceration even if they had been skilled, desirable musicians he would've empowered under normal circumstances, and even if he did have a market for their souls, which he never did).
Use your imagination when purchasing these loops. Too many musicians are being very uncreative with the suffering they could cause with the authority given to them by those who desecrated the craft and made their success impossible...Their desecration of the music craft caused innumerable events of ripple effects and negative influence-induced victimizations, all of which they are being held accountable for, whether they realize it or not.
If you're a talented musician who couldn't make it in the music industry after Cowell's shitworm shows went mainstream, then you have authority over him in the time loops, IF you graduate from the spirit scan and if you purchased a time loop here. Plus, the forfeited wealth of the offenders gets distributed to YOU in the New Earth!
Revenge is so sweet, isn't it? Especially served-up cold and on an eternal level like this.
Simon should've gotten himself a job, like God said do if you go to Earth as a human. God never condoned desecrating Lucifer's craft by the lazy and untalented. So they're in violation of the contract terms they agreed to when they came to Earth as "humans". Their harvest awaits them in the time loops of judgement and in their own eternal execution resulting in their own nonexistence. Justice is finally being served. Looks like someone else will be singing lead vocals for Aerosmith, IF the rest of them manage to graduate from the spirit scan and are still allowed to form, that is.