Too many too list! Time loops of the shitworm controlled passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune 500 List are always selling and there's no end to the loops that they caused that are now available.
Loops of Gates, Jobs, Madonna, Oprah, Buffet, Trump, Hilton, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, etc, are the most recognizable. But there are also the Bildeberg offenders, the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones, and other such "secret" offenders who'll be time looped and eternally executed whose victimizations are just as real and readily available for purchase. Their spirit memories will reflect their offenses during the spirit scan and commit them to time loops of judgement and eternal execution (nonexistence), accordingly.
Many possibilities for loop customization due to how many "ripple effects" victims these shitworm-controlled monsters created with their brutish existences during the spirit scan.
For eample: Bill Gates has it in his spirit memory that he thinks the world is overpopulated, a call he's not qualified to make, causing his own time loopage and eternal execution when he dies. So, he doesn't exist, even now, to be the monster he is. The most common loops sold regarding this parasitic, weak-minded, money-hoarding, economy-destroying bug involve starving children and his polio vaccine victims. Gates is hated by all that possesses even a marginal sense of decency, now. So the shitworms who control him must not possess ANY potential for decency for still being able to endure the Gates mentality stench long enough to instill some more inferior, subhuman, sub-species thoughts into his shitworm receptive, reprobate, weak mind. He never figured it out that getting to the top of the Forbes list is NOT a desirable thing after the weakness of the greedy, gluttonous American government owners manipulated those treasonous tax breaks for bottomless pits like him who just cannot get enough no matter how much they acquire.
"Culling" of the herd involved eternally executing all of these "special" people (and their bloodlines) so their inherent greed, gluttony and other infestations cannot negatively effect anything beyond this Earth Age, which was a spirit scan (to identify the infected and contaminated, like the Forbes List passive terrorists, for example).
Their forfeited wealth (of the wicked) they laid in escrow when they entered the spirit scan as "humans" and portions of these proceeds are distributed in the New Earth to all who were negatively effected by the likes of Gates and his passive terrorist peers. Meanwhile, they'll be in the time loops of judgement AS all of the people they starved and all other entities (human, animal, molecular, and spiritual) that their gluttonous weaknesses caused to be negatively effected in any way on this planet. Then, they're eternally executed and made to be as if they never existed, at all; just as God warned them would happen if they act they way they do.
Looks like those who wanted to cull the herd were identifying themselves as those who need to be culled...Defying God and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas on their spirit scan during the end times can do that for anyone, no matter how powerful they THINK they are on this temporal little spirit scan that's about to be closed down via destruction of the planet (to rip the rug out from under the offenders).