Jesse Jackson Time Loops Sold

Jesse Jackson time loops are a big seller, lately. Some have bought time loops of judgement with Jesse Jackson's spirit in the body of Channon Christian during her rapes, torture, and murder. This loop usually comes in a package, with Jesse Jackson's spirit also being placed in Hugh Newsom's body for his rapes, torture, and murder, too...A bit of a freeby to repay Jackson for being too inferior to show up outside of that crime scene picketing that racial hatred, like he would have done had the victims been Black and the perpetrators been White...Racial hatred was only addressable to race baiting charlatans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if the offended party or victim was Black...Which negated their credibility as qualified authorities on the subject. Fact historical record and all spirit memory supports.

Jackson, like Sharpton, has TRILLIONS of time loops to endure (before his own spirit's eternal execution) due to his cross-generational "influence" contributing to causing there to be tens of MILLIONS of victims of Black on white violence. His position should've been avoided by him, perhaps by working a real job with his own 2 hands instead, like God told him to do...Where he'd be less dangerous to society and God's other creations on His planet He created for them to enjoy because they'd contribute to society, a world He never wanted those who refuse to work to enjoy life on.
"If they refuse to work, refuse to feed them." saith the LORD Whose ground your feet stand upon.

Jackson and Sharpton callously shared messages that were lies, not the truth of God, for their own temporal profit. They had no regard for their own tampering with something so much bigger than them; something they'd never comprehend with their racist little weak minds, like an elaborate spirit scan. Their own eternal executions will undo all of their damage and rid the cosmos of their malicious infections and the non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories of those their existences negatively effected, after they're properly punished and taught a proper work ethic in the time loops of judgement.

A spectator loop was sold of Jesse Jackson in Lemaricus Davidson's body while Jackson's mama's spirit is in Channon Christian's body during Lemaricus' "rape-torture-and-kill-a-cracker" show. So Jackson's mother gets to reap what she sowed for spawning and raising Jesse to be a race baiting, carnal, little charlatan to negatively effect God's other creations via his "influence" because he was just too damn lazy to get a job and work with his own 2 hands to set a PROPER example (the best teachers teach by example, not empty words).

Another loop was sold, this one is a participatory loop, of Jackson as a Michael Vick dog. The purchaser will be the mindless, animal torturing thug doing the torturing of Jackson as the dog. So the purchaser will enter the loop and enter the body of the retarded animal torturer and Jackson will be cast into the loop and his spirit will be thrown into the suffering dog. Money well spent. Thrown in for fun was a freeby loop with Vick's mama's spirit in a tortured dog for the purchaser to make her reap some of what she sowed when she spawned and raised a little monster like Michael who'd come to God's planet, get all kinds of undue, undeserved blessings as a sports figure and influential "role model", and STILL negatively effect God's other creations that're superior to the whole Vick bloodline (nonexistent due to eternal execution in the future) now that he identified them as "infected contaminants" not safe for the New Earth or the inhabitants or the animals.

Remember that time loops of judgement for those who attended the dog fights and their bloodlines are also available for sale, being as they're getting cast into time loops of judgement as those dogs they watched fight and then they'll be eternally executed to protect dogs on the New Earth. Same goes for cock-fighters. They get to be the roosters they made entertain their weak, little, perverse minds with blood sport.

Updates of more inventive loops for this guy are bound to come


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