Another Al Sharpton Loop Sold AS Tayshana Murphy

This time loop is given it's own post because it's a special time loop. It's actually a series of loops involving Al Sharpton being time looped as the perpetrator while his mama's spirit is in Tayshana Murphy, being gunned down by him in the perp's body. Then Sharpton's evil spirit gets placed into Tayshana to plead for his life and die at the hands of the perp who'll have the spirit of the purchaser in him, showing him no mercy.
Plus, all rappers, music artists, or sports figures (or anyone else) found in the non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memory of the offending thug who're guilty of influencing the thug to his behavior will also get thrown in as a freeby for this special purchaser who suffered so much at the hands of Blacks who were programmed by the Black-faced Caucasianists.
This purchaser, who's also Black but sees Sharpton as a "dangerous race-baiting parasite", asked that the comment be included that this time loop was purchased due to Sharpton participating with the Caucasianists who exploited and desecrated the Civil Rights Movement to transform it into a gangsta-enabler movement that got so many good Black people victimized and murdered when he helped the white devil Feds to get rid of all of the decent people in the music industry, which made it possible for a subhuman demographic to get empowered  to make Gangsta Rap to go mainstream to be used as the greatest tool of Black genocide ever deployed in America or any other nation. The worst people ever in music are NOT those that Sharpton helped the white devils to extricate from the industry. The worst people ever to be involved in entertainment or music were allowed into the industry after Sharpton got his genocide-of-his-own-people payout (he should've been a rapper, too, since he so graciously paved the way for their genocidal movement).
Due to Sharpton's participation in the genocide of good American Black working class people, he'll be time looped as every victim (of any race) of Black (and gang) crime and violence. Buying the loops does not place him (or any other perpetrator) in them because he (they) was already headed for them, anyway. But buying a loop puts the purchaser in on the enjoyment of exacting revenge and reparations upon the perpetrators who won't be graduating from this spirit scan due to identifying themselves as "infected" "contaminants" while here on Earth.
On a side note, all agencies and agents that participated in creating that opening for the genocidal movement that gangtsa rap revealed itself to be will also be committed to the time loops as those victims before they, too, are eternally executed to purify the cosmos of their infections.

An extra loop of Sharpton's spirit placed inside of Steve Utash getting beaten-down in Detroit (for no reason) will also be included, since it's where Sharpton and all who influenced those hate crime perpetrators are headed when they die, anyway. Sharpton could've saved himself from this loop had he shown his face to rebuke the behavior he and the race baiters started that escalated into this jungle mentality.

Ask yourself: If Sharpton had known that he was going to be victimized as every victim he ever influenced to be victimized when he dies, would he still have identified himself as an infected contaminant not safe for Heaven or the New Earth by resorting to racism and bigotry as a career? If he can't see that he caused a superior demographic to be removed so that an inferior demographic who WOULD participate in genocide against Blacks could be empowered in the music industry, then he probably would've been too infected a racist bitch to refrain from his contaminating of God's Earth, which is interfering with the spirit scan.

Some fools just cannot help themselves, they're too weak to refrain from eating someone else's food (like starving, undisciplined dogs). This is what race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson have in common with the Caucasianistic, bigoted, subhuman white devils on the Forbes Fortune 500/passive terrorist List (who employ them/own them/bought them with temporary spirit scan tokens): They'll all eat poor Blacks for breakfast and pretend like they're not doing it.

Good loop. Good purchaser. Blessed Lady of God.


Jesse Jackson Time Loops Sold

Jesse Jackson time loops are a big seller, lately. Some have bought time loops of judgement with Jesse Jackson's spirit in the body of Channon Christian during her rapes, torture, and murder. This loop usually comes in a package, with Jesse Jackson's spirit also being placed in Hugh Newsom's body for his rapes, torture, and murder, too...A bit of a freeby to repay Jackson for being too inferior to show up outside of that crime scene picketing that racial hatred, like he would have done had the victims been Black and the perpetrators been White...Racial hatred was only addressable to race baiting charlatans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if the offended party or victim was Black...Which negated their credibility as qualified authorities on the subject. Fact historical record and all spirit memory supports.

Jackson, like Sharpton, has TRILLIONS of time loops to endure (before his own spirit's eternal execution) due to his cross-generational "influence" contributing to causing there to be tens of MILLIONS of victims of Black on white violence. His position should've been avoided by him, perhaps by working a real job with his own 2 hands instead, like God told him to do...Where he'd be less dangerous to society and God's other creations on His planet He created for them to enjoy because they'd contribute to society, a world He never wanted those who refuse to work to enjoy life on.
"If they refuse to work, refuse to feed them." saith the LORD Whose ground your feet stand upon.

Jackson and Sharpton callously shared messages that were lies, not the truth of God, for their own temporal profit. They had no regard for their own tampering with something so much bigger than them; something they'd never comprehend with their racist little weak minds, like an elaborate spirit scan. Their own eternal executions will undo all of their damage and rid the cosmos of their malicious infections and the non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories of those their existences negatively effected, after they're properly punished and taught a proper work ethic in the time loops of judgement.

A spectator loop was sold of Jesse Jackson in Lemaricus Davidson's body while Jackson's mama's spirit is in Channon Christian's body during Lemaricus' "rape-torture-and-kill-a-cracker" show. So Jackson's mother gets to reap what she sowed for spawning and raising Jesse to be a race baiting, carnal, little charlatan to negatively effect God's other creations via his "influence" because he was just too damn lazy to get a job and work with his own 2 hands to set a PROPER example (the best teachers teach by example, not empty words).

Another loop was sold, this one is a participatory loop, of Jackson as a Michael Vick dog. The purchaser will be the mindless, animal torturing thug doing the torturing of Jackson as the dog. So the purchaser will enter the loop and enter the body of the retarded animal torturer and Jackson will be cast into the loop and his spirit will be thrown into the suffering dog. Money well spent. Thrown in for fun was a freeby loop with Vick's mama's spirit in a tortured dog for the purchaser to make her reap some of what she sowed when she spawned and raised a little monster like Michael who'd come to God's planet, get all kinds of undue, undeserved blessings as a sports figure and influential "role model", and STILL negatively effect God's other creations that're superior to the whole Vick bloodline (nonexistent due to eternal execution in the future) now that he identified them as "infected contaminants" not safe for the New Earth or the inhabitants or the animals.

Remember that time loops of judgement for those who attended the dog fights and their bloodlines are also available for sale, being as they're getting cast into time loops of judgement as those dogs they watched fight and then they'll be eternally executed to protect dogs on the New Earth. Same goes for cock-fighters. They get to be the roosters they made entertain their weak, little, perverse minds with blood sport.

Updates of more inventive loops for this guy are bound to come


Simon Cowell Time Loops Are Selling

Musicians whose careers were sabotaged by such shitworm-controlled zombie-slave-clone created shows as American Idol, The Voice, America's Got Talent, X Factor, etc, have been buying time loops of those who participated in those shows (producers, judges, etc).
Simon Cowell gets to be poor, starving musicians in the time loops now. So does Steve Tyler, who was never a REAL musician or he never would've participated in such a music craft desecrating show for any amount of money or fame.
Lucifer has a personal beef with all who participated in desecrating his craft of music, which includes these shows, rap/hip-hop (what it became after gangsta rap went mainstream), and the current American mainstream offenders, many of whom are completely untalented and went so far as to lie and say they made a pact with him (which is impossible during his incarceration even if they had been skilled, desirable musicians  he would've empowered under normal circumstances, and even if he did have a market for their souls, which he never did).

Use your imagination when purchasing these loops. Too many musicians are being very uncreative with the suffering they could cause with the authority given to them by those who desecrated the craft and made their success impossible...Their desecration of the music craft caused innumerable events of ripple effects and negative influence-induced victimizations, all of which they are being held accountable for, whether they realize it or not.
If you're a talented musician who couldn't make it in the music industry after Cowell's shitworm shows went mainstream, then you have authority over him in the time loops, IF you graduate from the spirit scan and if you purchased a time loop here. Plus, the forfeited wealth of the offenders gets distributed to YOU in the New Earth!

Revenge is so sweet, isn't it? Especially served-up cold and on an eternal level like this.

Simon should've gotten himself a job, like God said do if you go to Earth as a human. God never condoned desecrating Lucifer's craft by the lazy and untalented. So they're in violation of the contract terms they agreed to when they came to Earth as "humans". Their harvest awaits them in the time loops of judgement and in their own eternal execution resulting in their own nonexistence. Justice is finally being served. Looks like someone else will be singing lead vocals for Aerosmith, IF the rest of them manage to graduate from the spirit scan and are still allowed to form, that is.


RoseAnne Barr Time Loops Sold!

Remember how RoseAnne Barr posted the address of George Zimmerman's parents online and forced them out of their home because she was trying to help the nonexistent Black Panthers with their "hits" out on the hero George Zimmerman? Well, someone remembered the spirit scan parameters and that, since she had a problem with Zimmerman thwarting future violent crime (which'd most likely be Black on white, since Trayvon was a self-entitled racist who referred to all white people as "crackers"), RoseAnne qualifies to be time looped as one of the standard Black on white violence reference loops awaiting anyone who had a problem with Zimmerman protecting himself or with the just verdict of not guilty that he so obviously deserved.

For those who've forgotten what the standard reference loops are for any offenses fitting these parameters (anything Black on white), they are as follows:
Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, or any number of gang raped white children sold to gangsta dope dealers by their dope-addicted mamas for dope (which are modestly numbered in the MILLIONS now).

The purchaser wants RoseAnne Barr's spirit placed in Channon Christian's body during her tortures, rapes and murder, and the purchaser will participate in RoseAnne's punishment by being Lemaricus Davidson or one his nonexistent subhuman cronies.
Since RoseAnne was so pathetically wrong in everything about how she perceived that event, 3 extra loops of her were thrown in,
2 of which will be an 11-year old white girl that was sold to teenage dope thugs in Detroit by her nasty, nonexistent dope-ho mama and gang-raped in every orifice, simultaneously, to within an inch of her life, REPEATEDLY, for weeks; and THEN was "turned-out" to dope and made into a crackhead so they could control her and they had her sucking dog's dicks for rocks as a "show" for nonexistent subhumans who must ALL be time looped as that little white girl (and their mamas, too) now (and all others like them) before they're eternally executed for war crimes on God's and Lucifer's spirit scan. RoseAnne can join them in the time loops, living out that girl's life, repeatedly, from the moment her nonexistent dope-ho mama sold her to those subhuman ghetto-monsters until she finally was tortured to death, for "sport", in the ghetto. Her mama gets to endure that fate and so do the mamas of the thugs and all thugs like them, even everyone who listened to the stories those thugs would tell about those little white girls they did all that atrocious subhuman shit to and wasn't sickened by it...Anyone entertained by such behavior does not exist. They'll be time looped as their victims before eternal execution and you can buy loops punishing them (placing them in their victims while you watch or participate), too, because that's where they're headed.

The third free loop of RoseAnne Barr will be her getting placed in little Raven's body for her demise that resulted in her being found burned beyond recognition in Detroit.

After these time loops of judgement, RoseAnne Barr will have developed an understanding far beyond her infantile human mind's abilities...Then she'll finally "get it" and then she'll be gone, eternally executed, never to exist to be such a malicious retard who'd attack the parents of an American hero all because she's too far out of touch with society to understand what's been happening to the common people at the hands of the American mainstream zombie-slave-clone created "sleeper cells" they call their "fans".

Good riddance. Heaven and the New Earth is just that much safer and less contaminated by her identifying herself as an infected contaminant like that. Now none must suffer any memory of her, at all.


Forbes Fortune 500/Passive Terrorist Loops

Too many too list! Time loops of the shitworm controlled passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune 500 List are always selling and there's no end to the loops that they caused that are now available.
Loops of Gates, Jobs, Madonna, Oprah, Buffet, Trump, Hilton, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, etc, are the most recognizable. But there are also the Bildeberg offenders, the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones, and other such "secret" offenders who'll be time looped and eternally executed whose victimizations are just as real and readily available for purchase. Their spirit memories will reflect their offenses during the spirit scan and commit them to time loops of judgement and eternal execution (nonexistence), accordingly.
Many possibilities for loop customization due to how many "ripple effects" victims these shitworm-controlled monsters created with their brutish existences during the spirit scan.
For eample: Bill Gates has it in his spirit memory that he thinks the world is overpopulated, a call he's not qualified to make, causing his own time loopage and eternal execution when he dies. So, he doesn't exist, even now, to be the monster he is. The most common loops sold regarding this parasitic, weak-minded, money-hoarding, economy-destroying bug involve starving children and his polio vaccine victims. Gates is hated by all that possesses even a marginal sense of decency, now. So the shitworms who control him must not possess ANY potential for decency for still being able to endure the Gates mentality stench long enough to instill some more inferior, subhuman, sub-species thoughts into his shitworm receptive, reprobate, weak mind. He never figured it out that getting to the top of the Forbes list is NOT a desirable thing after the weakness of the greedy, gluttonous American government owners manipulated those treasonous tax breaks for bottomless pits like him who just cannot get enough no matter how much they acquire.

"Culling" of the herd involved eternally executing all of these "special" people (and their bloodlines) so their inherent greed, gluttony and other infestations cannot negatively effect anything beyond this Earth Age, which was a spirit scan (to identify the infected and contaminated, like the Forbes List passive terrorists, for example).

Their forfeited wealth (of the wicked) they laid in escrow when they entered the spirit scan as "humans" and portions of these proceeds are distributed in the New Earth to all who were negatively effected by the likes of Gates and his passive terrorist peers. Meanwhile, they'll be in the time loops of judgement AS all of the people they starved and all other entities (human, animal, molecular, and spiritual) that their gluttonous weaknesses caused to be negatively effected in any way on this planet. Then, they're eternally executed and made to be as if they never existed, at all; just as God warned them would happen if they act they way they do.

Looks like those who wanted to cull the herd were identifying themselves as those who need to be culled...Defying God and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas on their spirit scan during the end times can do that for anyone, no matter how powerful they THINK they are on this temporal little spirit scan that's about to be closed down via destruction of the planet (to rip the rug out from under the offenders).


More Kim Jong Un and Il Time Loops Sold

Every couple of days, another time loop or two of judgement for the subhuman deranged tyrannical dictators, Kim Jong Il, and his retarded son, Kim Jong Un, are sold to graduates of the spirit scan who want to watch them writhe in pain and scream as their victims (over and over again).
In these cases, a few extra loops are always thrown in, because Kim Jong Un is the 2nd most hated entity alive in the end times, the 1st being Obama (due to HIS deranged tyranny that also caused MILLIONS of victims better than him on God's and Lucifer's "turf", this spirit scan on Earth).

The current North Korean Holocaust that's being ignored by the rest of the world while they distract the masses with non-issues makes opportunities available to customize time loops to have some of the "leaders" of the nations who were guilty of distraction (from the N Korean Holocaust) and their subordinates placed in the time loops as victims they distracted from...
This even applies to puppies and kitties, if anyone wants to buy a loop of a dead distracting celeb AS one of the animals whose plight they distracted from. This concept sells a lot of American mainstream music artist and rapper loops, as well as American sports figure loops, AS the animals they distracted from with their marginal talent that was never awesome enough to warrant distraction from unnecessary suffering. Picture Miley Cyrus in an animal due to be euthanized in its prime while she's distracting from her own plight (as the animal) with a vomit-inducing foam finger performance that exposed her complete lack of marketable talent to an adult audience. Put any other plight-distracting celeb in a Vick dog, or a dog that suffered due to his influence (he must endure every loop his influence created, so he'll never be short of loops to purchase, or even of his mama in those dogs).

So, Kim Jong Un gets to torture himself AND his mommy and daddy, millions of times, in the time loops of judgement and the proceeds from the loops associated to him and his subhuman (nonexistent) daddy get distributed to their victims in the New Earth, as well as all of their forfeited wealth they laid in escrow when they came to Earth disguised as "humans" (to be scanned for infections and contamination that'd cause unnecessary suffering in any capacity beyond this spirit scan). Kim Jong Un will endure the consequences of every evil little thought his tiny, little, shitworm controlled brain thinks up...Spirit memory even records thoughts, and spirit memory cannot be deleted or tampered with until God and Lucifer get their satisfaction from them for whatever desecration they caused on their spirit scan. Then, after the time loops of punishment, they get eternally executed to never exist to commit their atrocities on God's and Lucifer's planet, at all.
But their victims thrive and the memory of their suffering is then erased, as their tormentors are made to be as if they never existed, at all, never to contaminate the memory of another of God's creations that were so superior to them.


2 Salem Witch Trial Witnesses Loops Sold

2 Salem Witch Trial Witnesses Time Loops of Judgement Sold!
This one was so original that the purchasers were given 2 for ones. So it's actually 4 time loops of judgement sold with this far.
The purchasers want to watch the evil white devil girls who witnessed against the witches during those kangaroo court trials burn in the bodies of the murdered "witches".
Makin' it happen!

For those who aren't familiar with the history:
Remember the tales of those Salem Witch trials and how they accused women whose land they wanted to pilfer of being witches and held "trials" to find them "legally" "guilty" of being "witches" and then burned them to death at stakes? Well those tales are based on reality...for now...Until the perpetrators and all who participated with them (and, in some cases, even their entire bloodlines, too), even passively by standing around watching it play out, are time looped as every "witch" they murdered, and then eternally executed to never exist to burn those innocent women to death (who, as Americans had a legal right to be witches if Muslims/Islamics now have the legal right to be pedophiles who fuck their child brides to DEATH, some as young as 8-years old, under protection of "American" "law" in America).

These loops are interesting because they're what's known as standard "reference" loops, just like Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom/Al Potter/ Autumn Pasquale/Colleen Ritzer (plus a few more too atrocious to mention) loops are standard reference loops for all who participated in, condoned, influenced, or failed to intervene against Black on white violence and crime to endure after they die on Earth/the spirit scan. 

The Salem witch hunt loops will be standard reference loops for all in American government who enabled or didn't fight against the pedophilia of the Muslims/Islamics in America and their desecration of the superior American values once adhered to under Christian beliefs (and they've got the nerve to call Americans "evil" and "Satan", who's not that evil when compared to Muhammad or any typical Muslim/Islamic on this spirit scan)...
If they were in American government and didn't fight to protect religious freedoms for Christianity, exclusively, being as that's what the American nation was supposedly founded on, and then allowed other religions to bring in atrocious non-cultures like the Muslims/Islamics did, then they get to be burned at stakes in time loops of judgement when they die AS the murdered American witches who didn't have the legal right to practice their non-violent religion in a now cursed (into oblivion) nation that later allowed and still allows pedophilic infidels (who do not believe in the truth of God/Allah about His Son like their nation does) to run around like they got the right to exist in America or something, in addition to being looped as every child bride ever fucked to death by a God-less Muslim/Islamic
(to deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah is to identify oneself as a true infidel according to the description given by Allah, Himself, when He warned that a false prophet named Muhammad would come during an era when he would NOT be sending any prophets to Earth, so)
...again, the offenses give the authority required for the punishment and eternal execution
(and snatching of their forfeited home-realm wealth they laid-up in escrow when they came to Earth pretending to be "humans")...
This is because it's un-American to tell an American woman that she can't practice her non-violent religion in her own home on her own land (simply because you wanna pilfer it) and then allow a pestilence disguised as humans (like the Muslims/Islamics) to later enter the same nation and have more religious freedoms than those murdered American women had. So a pedophile Muslim/Islamic can fuck an 8-year old child to death under protection of American law (even though pedophilia defies God's AND Lucifer's spiritual laws for the planet/spirit scan, which attracts curses and violence in retaliation from God/Allah AND Satan on behalf of the children); but Christian children aren't allowed to pray or carry Bibles in public schools in America?
...Yep, it's time to commit some treasonous traitors in Washington D.C. (and their infected, contaminated bloodlines) to some fates worse than death when they die here, on exponential algebraic levels they could never even begin to comprehend.

Anyone wanna get some of this?
2 for ones on them, too, if you burn 'em.

Kim Mathers Time Loops Sold

Kim Mathers time loops have been sold, recently, too. There are those who want to see her suffer as some of the Mexican drug cartel victims who were raped, pillaged, tortured, and murdered due to her chemical addictions and weaknesses. Actually, there are many celebs on dope who have time loops being sold, some of whom want to see them suffer as victims of the terrorism they funded. These drug-induced, shitworm-controlled famous chemical toilets are all headed for the time loops and eternal execution, anyway, as all others who indulged in chemical drugs. So there are plenty of stars to choose from. If they became famous as musicians, artists, actors, or just plain celebs and did dope, then they're held accountable for the terrorism they funded and for the terrorism their influence causes to be funded...
So, loops as Philip Seymour Hoffman enduring suffering HE caused have been sold, too, and there's still more of him available (how many MILLIONS of victims of drug abuse are there? Multiply that times one-hundred-thousand and you get a close figure to what's available to put the junkies through).
Pick a famous chemical toilet and then a victimization caused by dope and put them together for personalized punishment of the wicked pleasure!
These same parameters also apply to the DEALERS, the cartels, the drug lords and kings, as well as those who grow the crop from which they create their sorceries of man (chemicals): Any suffering caused by their drugs is available to make them endure it after they die. You can even BE the dope man getting his dick sucked by a dope-ho who has his mama's spirit in her (yeah, their mamas get time looped and eternally executed for the offense of sowing the seed of spawning and raising a subhuman who refused to obey GOD on HIS "turf" and get en education and a job and pay taxes and contribute to society).

There are a lot of time loops available due to dope, from many different angles. Use your imagination when customizing your own experiences, whether they be as spectators or as participants.


Cee Lo Green Time Loops Sold

Cee Lo Green time loops of judgement have been sold, both spectator and participatory, with and without the spirit of his mama as his date rape victims.
The participatory loops involve Cee Lo Green's spirit being placed into the body of one of his date rape victims so the purchasers can show him how it felt to be her. Pretty basic fare.

These loops were unnecessary because Cee lo Green is a celebrity and American women are programmed by the mainstream media to throw themselves at anything powerful, wealthy, or famous. So Cee Lo just got lazy and decided not to hunt for one of those dumb women he could use, opting instead to subjugate someone for sex, which is just shiwormy and nasty as hell.


Bush Loops Are Selling

Time loops of judgement involving BOTH Bushes writhing in pain as soldiers they killed with their wars are being sold to the survivors of the murdered soldiers. Many times, extra loops are included, so they can also watch the parents of the Bushes endure the time loops they raised their wicked offspring to create with their behavior that got them identified as "infected" "contaminants" committed to time loops of judgement and then eternal execution so that they never exist to do the horrendous shit they did here on this spirit scan. So it's a 3 generational vengeance-fest.

Plus, there've been quite a few loops purchased by survivors of 9/11 who want to watch Bush be grinded to death as their lost loved ones in those towers. There's also some loops bought of the other perpetrators involved in it, all of whom will have intact, non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories to refer to, which will even contain their thoughts.
9/11 is finally being avenged on the real culprits...They weren't hip to the spirit scan or spirit memory


More to come for these warmongering, infected contaminants; of that you can be sure.


Al Sharpton Time Loops Sold

Quite a few for this guy. The latest sold was Sharpton gets to be the trucker that got beat down during the Rodney King riots. This is a participatory loop, meaning that the purchaser will be one of the thugs doing the beating of the trucker with Al Sharpton's spirit in him.

There's a loop sold of Sharpton as Channon Christian, too, since he never showed up to express remorse and rebuke on the mentality that had her murderers thinking it was okay to "hunt" her, rape her, torture her and kill her because of her skin color. An extra loop got thrown in with this one with Sharpton as Hugh Newsom during his rapes, tortures and murders, too. 

This post will be updated with more Sharpton loops as they get sold and recorded; as the case will be with all perpetrators who dared desecrate or sully this spirit scan with their contamination. At that time, more of the already sold loops not included here will be added, some of which are pretty darn gruesome.


Lots of Hitler Loops Sold Already

A lot of Hitler time loops of judgement have been sold to descendants of those murdered during the Holocaust. They want to watch Hitler die AS their ancestors that he caused to be killed. Sometimes, an extra loop or 2 gets thrown in if the story is especially horrific.

Time Loops Created By Participants To Evil. Temporal Agendas

The REAL Agenda.


The 2nd amendment AND FREE SPEECH are against the law. The US government is disarming Americans so that we cannot defend ourselves against their tyrannical plans for a NEW WORLD ORDER. FEMA has built 800 'DEATH' camp prisons throughout the US with guillotines and thousands of plastic coffins. If you are a CHRISTIAN or disagree with the government does or is doing you are considered a domestic terrorist. Obama passed a law that they can hold anyone they want in a FEMA death camp or execute AMERICANS as traitors without a trial.

OBAMA faked his birth certificate. He is NOT an American and legally CANNOT be president. IMPEACH THE IMPOSTER NOW! CLEAN HOUSE. CONGRESS IS FULL OF CRIMINALS. Obama is a Muslim terrorist linked to 20 COMMUNISTS including his (father). His brother is a Jihadist. Barry (Obama) Sortoro was well known as a homosexual in college and promotes the GAY agenda. Obama signed a law protecting MONSANTO, allowing poisoners to continue genetically modifying food which has caused cancer  in lab mice and HUMANS for over 40 years. Protecting these killers is an outrage. Our food is not SAFE!

DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY is PAID for by American taxpayers. DHS recently bought MILLIONS of HOLLOW POINT bullets and 7000 armored vehicles to fight terror INSIDE our country. They are starting a civil war AGAINST all citizens including our own war vets. The face off at the memorial is a perfect example of their disrespect for our veterans. All citizens who are not in the elite 1% will die. Obama has over 150,000 Russian troops already here because many of our military professionals refuse to shoot their own people. 

NSA is illegally tapping your phone, email and home. They use over 5000 keywords to catch you online. Say the wrong thing they label us as a threat to their AGENDA, take us without a warrant and make us disappear. Obama signed into law that in the event of a crisis NSA and DHS can come into our homes without a warrant and take ALL FOOD, survival SUPPLIES and WEALTH from us. Period. Resist and go to prison. LOOK UP AT THE SKY! US AIR FORCE Jets are discharging aluminum dust, barium and several other toxic chemicals. They are CROPDUSTING our state with poisons. See that dust on your car, plants and everything else? That is poison. It contaminates water, food and air.

False flag events: 911 including demolition of building 7. Sandy Hook school was faked. No bodies or blood. They used actors as victims and used them again at the Boston marathon bombing. In the past 3 months 2 nuclear bombs were transported from middle USA to the east coast near NC. Several generals were fired because this information leaked out. It was supposed to be another false flag event. Obama and his criminals want to attack Iran and have talked about that for a long time. The idea is to explode one nuke over the eastern coast to produce an electro magnetic pulse and shut down all power, computers etc. Then have the second one HIT the ground to kill survivors. They will blame it on Iran to start a war JUST like they did the WTC to attack Iraq. 

People get ready for this because it IS planned and just a matter of a short time before OUR own government starts to exterminate us.

Obama fake birth certificate proven:

I urge fellow law abiding Americans to research these subjects to discover what is REALLY going on. It is time to stand up for ourselves and not be led to slaughter like sheep. I challenge the local news media to actually write something important and forget the latest sports score or anything trivial like the queers with peers and fears campaign that does not directly affect the future outcome of this once great land of ours.


All who participated in the above failed to graduate from this spirit scan and are available to be purchased in time loops of justice to suffer any experiences on Earth that happened there, especially things that they caused.
After being time looped as their victims at a modest rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, they (their spirits) will be eternally executed and it will be as if they never existed, at all, to commit their atrocities on Earth. So they do not even exist now to do what they're doing...A valuable use of the time-space continuum.

Get Revenge BEYOND The Grave!!

Can't get revenge in THIS realm/dimension? No problem. Get bigger, better revenge BEYOND this spirit scan!

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