Bush Loops Are Selling

Time loops of judgement involving BOTH Bushes writhing in pain as soldiers they killed with their wars are being sold to the survivors of the murdered soldiers. Many times, extra loops are included, so they can also watch the parents of the Bushes endure the time loops they raised their wicked offspring to create with their behavior that got them identified as "infected" "contaminants" committed to time loops of judgement and then eternal execution so that they never exist to do the horrendous shit they did here on this spirit scan. So it's a 3 generational vengeance-fest.

Plus, there've been quite a few loops purchased by survivors of 9/11 who want to watch Bush be grinded to death as their lost loved ones in those towers. There's also some loops bought of the other perpetrators involved in it, all of whom will have intact, non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories to refer to, which will even contain their thoughts.
9/11 is finally being avenged on the real culprits...They weren't hip to the spirit scan or spirit memory


More to come for these warmongering, infected contaminants; of that you can be sure.


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