The REAL Agenda.
The 2nd amendment AND FREE SPEECH are against the law. The US government is disarming Americans so that we cannot defend ourselves against their tyrannical plans for a NEW WORLD ORDER. FEMA has built 800 'DEATH' camp prisons throughout the US with guillotines and thousands of plastic coffins. If you are a CHRISTIAN or disagree with the government does or is doing you are considered a domestic terrorist. Obama passed a law that they can hold anyone they want in a FEMA death camp or execute AMERICANS as traitors without a trial.
OBAMA faked his birth certificate. He is NOT an American and legally CANNOT be president. IMPEACH THE IMPOSTER NOW! CLEAN HOUSE. CONGRESS IS FULL OF CRIMINALS. Obama is a Muslim terrorist linked to 20 COMMUNISTS including his (father). His brother is a Jihadist. Barry (Obama) Sortoro was well known as a homosexual in college and promotes the GAY agenda. Obama signed a law protecting MONSANTO, allowing poisoners to continue genetically modifying food which has caused cancer in lab mice and HUMANS for over 40 years. Protecting these killers is an outrage. Our food is not SAFE!
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY is PAID for by American taxpayers. DHS recently bought MILLIONS of HOLLOW POINT bullets and 7000 armored vehicles to fight terror INSIDE our country. They are starting a civil war AGAINST all citizens including our own war vets. The face off at the memorial is a perfect example of their disrespect for our veterans. All citizens who are not in the elite 1% will die. Obama has over 150,000 Russian troops already here because many of our military professionals refuse to shoot their own people.
NSA is illegally tapping your phone, email and home. They use over 5000 keywords to catch you online. Say the wrong thing they label us as a threat to their AGENDA, take us without a warrant and make us disappear. Obama signed into law that in the event of a crisis NSA and DHS can come into our homes without a warrant and take ALL FOOD, survival SUPPLIES and WEALTH from us. Period. Resist and go to prison. LOOK UP AT THE SKY! US AIR FORCE Jets are discharging aluminum dust, barium and several other toxic chemicals. They are CROPDUSTING our state with poisons. See that dust on your car, plants and everything else? That is poison. It contaminates water, food and air.
False flag events: 911 including demolition of building 7. Sandy Hook school was faked. No bodies or blood. They used actors as victims and used them again at the Boston marathon bombing. In the past 3 months 2 nuclear bombs were transported from middle USA to the east coast near NC. Several generals were fired because this information leaked out. It was supposed to be another false flag event. Obama and his criminals want to attack Iran and have talked about that for a long time. The idea is to explode one nuke over the eastern coast to produce an electro magnetic pulse and shut down all power, computers etc. Then have the second one HIT the ground to kill survivors. They will blame it on Iran to start a war JUST like they did the WTC to attack Iraq.
People get ready for this because it IS planned and just a matter of a short time before OUR own government starts to exterminate us.
Obama fake birth certificate proven:
I urge fellow law abiding Americans to research these subjects to discover what is REALLY going on. It is time to stand up for ourselves and not be led to slaughter like sheep. I challenge the local news media to actually write something important and forget the latest sports score or anything trivial like the queers with peers and fears campaign that does not directly affect the future outcome of this once great land of ours.
All who participated in the above failed to graduate from this spirit scan and are available to be purchased in time loops of justice to suffer any experiences on Earth that happened there, especially things that they caused.
After being time looped as their victims at a modest rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, they (their spirits) will be eternally executed and it will be as if they never existed, at all, to commit their atrocities on Earth. So they do not even exist now to do what they're doing...A valuable use of the time-space continuum.