2 Salem Witch Trial Witnesses Time Loops of Judgement Sold!
This one was so original that the purchasers were given 2 for ones. So it's actually 4 time loops of judgement sold with this theme...so far.
The purchasers want to watch the evil white devil girls who witnessed against the witches during those kangaroo court trials burn in the bodies of the murdered "witches".
Makin' it happen!
For those who aren't familiar with the history:
Remember the tales of those Salem Witch trials and how they accused women whose land they wanted to pilfer of being witches and held "trials" to find them "legally" "guilty" of being "witches" and then burned them to death at stakes? Well those tales are based on reality...for now...Until the perpetrators and all who participated with them (and, in some cases, even their entire bloodlines, too), even passively by standing around watching it play out, are time looped as every "witch" they murdered, and then eternally executed to never exist to burn those innocent women to death (who, as Americans had a legal right to be witches if Muslims/Islamics now have the legal right to be pedophiles who fuck their child brides to DEATH, some as young as 8-years old, under protection of "American" "law" in America).
These loops are interesting because they're what's known as standard "reference" loops, just like Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom/Al Potter/ Autumn Pasquale/Colleen Ritzer (plus a few more too atrocious to mention) loops are standard reference loops for all who participated in, condoned, influenced, or failed to intervene against Black on white violence and crime to endure after they die on Earth/the spirit scan.
The Salem witch hunt loops will be standard reference loops for all in American government who enabled or didn't fight against the pedophilia of the Muslims/Islamics in America and their desecration of the superior American values once adhered to under Christian beliefs (and they've got the nerve to call Americans "evil" and "Satan", who's not that evil when compared to Muhammad or any typical Muslim/Islamic on this spirit scan)...
If they were in American government and didn't fight to protect religious freedoms for Christianity, exclusively, being as that's what the American nation was supposedly founded on, and then allowed other religions to bring in atrocious non-cultures like the Muslims/Islamics did, then they get to be burned at stakes in time loops of judgement when they die AS the murdered American witches who didn't have the legal right to practice their non-violent religion in a now cursed (into oblivion) nation that later allowed and still allows pedophilic infidels (who do not believe in the truth of God/Allah about His Son like their nation does) to run around like they got the right to exist in America or something, in addition to being looped as every child bride ever fucked to death by a God-less Muslim/Islamic
(to deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah is to identify oneself as a true infidel according to the description given by Allah, Himself, when He warned that a false prophet named Muhammad would come during an era when he would NOT be sending any prophets to Earth, so)
...again, the offenses give the authority required for the punishment and eternal execution
(and snatching of their forfeited home-realm wealth they laid-up in escrow when they came to Earth pretending to be "humans")...
This is because it's un-American to tell an American woman that she can't practice her non-violent religion in her own home on her own land (simply because you wanna pilfer it) and then allow a pestilence disguised as humans (like the Muslims/Islamics) to later enter the same nation and have more religious freedoms than those murdered American women had. So a pedophile Muslim/Islamic can fuck an 8-year old child to death under protection of American law (even though pedophilia defies God's AND Lucifer's spiritual laws for the planet/spirit scan, which attracts curses and violence in retaliation from God/Allah AND Satan on behalf of the children); but Christian children aren't allowed to pray or carry Bibles in public schools in America?
...Yep, it's time to commit some treasonous traitors in Washington D.C. (and their infected, contaminated bloodlines) to some fates worse than death when they die here, on exponential algebraic levels they could never even begin to comprehend.
Anyone wanna get some of this?
2 for ones on them, too, if you burn 'em.